Friday, February 26, 2010

Ignorance of the ability is DISABILITY

Everyday, you see tons of beggars on the road, especially in KL town itself.
While you having meals, you get people coming towards you asking for money.
Sometimes, you see them having proper limbs, yet they beg for money.
It is quite sad. Worst, some children were brought into this. How are we going to educate our children to work for the future??

Once, I had this indian guy, who came towards my family & I while we were having meals at a Chinese restaurant. This guy speaks perfect English, know that he is well educated. He seem to be in perfect health, except one of his foot is bandange. Came to us asking for money. I decided to talk to him. He said he is an engineer, had an accident at work and resulted he couldn't work anymore, he has lots of medical debts, his family left him so now he is out to be a beggar. Dude, he was dress quite decent! no money??? So, I said to him that I think he is in perfect health, not critically ill. He still has his brains and hands, he is well educated. Why can't he take up other jobs? be a phone operator, do sales, machinary jobs that only requires the hands and brain to function. Why not? He replied rudely to me, that to mind my own business, don't want to give money is enough already, have no rights to tell him off. Later scolded me with bad words, and angrily left to the next table. However, the next table uncle and family supported me, sounded him as well, he again angrily scolded them, then the restaurant owner came to chase him away.

This video I like to share with everyone is even though we may loose an ability but we do still have other abilities!

Do share this out!

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