Friday, February 26, 2010

Hapiness is Important

Got this video from a friend of mine, sharing this out.

This video is in Cantonese but I think it is great to translate it out so that everyone can understand the meaning of it.

This is a story about Lim's Family. There are 3 family member is the Lim's family. Father, Mother and the son. Everyday Mrs. Lim would cook meals for the family. One day, Mrs. Lim decided to cook macaroni, she left two bowls on the table, one for Mr. Lim and the other for the son. However, both bowls looked different in content. Although both were Macaroni, but one appears to have an egg on top of it, and the other one doesn't, just plain macaroni. Mr. Lim asked the son, which bowl the son wants. Immediately the son took the bowl with an egg on top. While they both happily eating, Mr. Lim found two eggs hidden underneath the macaroni! The son felt unfair.

The next day, Mrs. Lim cooked two boths of noodles. This time again same like yesterday, one had a piece of ham on and the other doesn't have anything. Again, Mr. Lim asked his son which bowl he prefers. After yesterday's ordeal, the son smartly picks the bowl without anything on, hoping to find two pieces of Ham underneath it. Sadly it didn't had any. The son felt unfair. Mr. Lim tells him that, life is unfair at times. People who tries to take advantages, always looses, will always never get what they wants.

The third day arrives, this time Mrs. Lim cooked two bowls of rice noodles. This time both bowls appears to have nothing extra on it except the noodles. Again, Mr. Lim asked the son which bowl he prefers. After giving some thought, the son said to the father that Mr. Lim should make the decision first, because he is older and wiser ;)
Mr. Lim just picks up one of the bowl and passed the other to his son. Both of them started eating happily. To their surprise, they found an egg and a piece of ham underneath it!

This story tells us that, In life, a person who doesn't take advantages on others, doesn't take benefits from others, doesn't mean they are at lose. Don't asked for too much in life, treat every living been equally, live life happily.


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